My these long roads are mighty dusty yet! It seems I still have quite a bit to carry in and offload in this new space.
Have a look around while I tinker a bit! There should be some things here to keep you busy.
A ghost story.
One that is rather lovely and not at all frightening.
When love and beauty are all you seek what would you give to get them back?
Would you bargain it all on a dance?
Like all up and coming Texan men my Daddy dreamed of one day owning a boat. We would go to the lake and he would gaze longingly on the boats speeding across the water, swift and shining in the sun. A boat opens up so many doors; fishing, drinking beer and fishing, racing up and down the lake, floating on the lake, towing it to the lake… lots of things to do with a boat.
Of course... Not everything went according to plan...
Welcome to The Court of Tales.
In the Wondrous place known only as The Court of Tales many secrets and dreams are often told by the fire sides on nights. You can find all sorts here, from bitter-sweet ghost stories to science fiction there's a bit of everything here. I've even thrown in a few semi-autobiographical pieces in for good measure.
A poem about some of the darkness in mental illness.
Trigger Warning - Self Harm discussed
I am excited to my boots and thrilled to announce my upcoming trip to the UK. Here’s just a bit about the warm-up to that impending adventure!
Read On loyal adventurers!
Unasked for paper for Introductory Nutrition Honors.
A companion piece and subsequent files for my voyage into The Nordic Diet
Pascal’s Wager - Belief - The Climate Crisis - Naomi Oreskes - Introducing the Whack-A-Mole Approach
Published Finalist at Stephen F. Austin State University Undergraduate Research Conference - April 11, 2023
Welcome to the Parlor of Papers
Come into my Parlor of Papers and enjoy the more esoteric written content that defies easy categorization. This is just a quick introduction to this area. An eclectic place the Parlor surely shall be!
I am Sure y’all are just dying to hear some of my precious Travel Wisdom! (TM)
Thrill in wonder as I regale yourselves with some simple tips and tricks that can make your next trip, and mine, be a little more safe. We can all be a bit more security minded right?
(Bonus points - Try to count the wholly ridiculous number of times I repeat the words Safety and Back-up! It should be a drinking game!)
My review and expose on my chosen backpack for the upcoming trip to the UK, the Pacsafe Venture Safe 25L GII. Beware, I gush over all the secure features.
So excited to announce my upcoming trip to the UK! Just some information about what is to come in the near future for me. Might want to watch in order to keep up!
Who Is Victoria Verse?
An introduction to my YouTube channel. Come on by! Give me a like and pretty please subscribe!
Remember, sharing is caring! Pass the word along!
Bear-Faced Erick is a tale as told from the days when tales were told out loud by long memoried story tellers by deeply rooted traditions and broadly built fires. (Of course this one is newly cobbled although the themes are well-trod as the format.) An homage.
This is also the script for the YouTube video of the same name that I am currently editing and should have uploaded to my channel very soon.