7.5.2023 - Werq It
Werq It
Us womenfolk, my mother, sister, and myself, descended upon San Antonio,
Tonight we see the queens dance and buck,
Watch the world get fully werqed.
There is so much joy here,
|The crowd and custom, close and companionable,
The drinks too pricey but delicious.
The drag is high quality,
Costumes grand and glittering,
The dancing frantic and effortless,
Lady Camden spins across the stage,
Bosco writhes, lithe and glistening,
Deja in a hooded robe,
Asia sparkling in each outfit and number,
Mistress hailed as a local Texas heroine,
Each and every song loud and charming.
And they say drag isn’t a family event…
Community should always be this wonderful!