7.3.2023 - Always a Patriot
Always a Patriot
Must we write love letters,
To the ambitions of billionaires,
And turn a blind eye,
To the lives of the billions?
There are 756 billionaires in the nation,
Being worshiped as the golden ones,
By the much belittled lower 99%.
Patron Saints of God and Country,
Our Lady of the Gates and Windows,
Lord Elon of the Flame,
The Space Cowboys,
Philandering Faux Philanthropists.
Moguls, Magnates, and Ministers,
The Karens, the Ivanas, and The Junior League.
The Venture Capitalists,
Corporate Swindlers,
Robber Barons and Professional Heirs,
The great panic of the Nearly There,
Entwined and bound by hope and blind fibers.
Oh beautiful for burning skies,
For decaying rights and freedoms,
For the stormtrooper stamp of corporate boots,
And the strangling majesty of pop music and high fructose corn syrup.
What can we call a real American?
He will forever be a patriot,
Betrayed by his homeland,
Lost in modernity,
Sagging upon the broken promises,
Of free market vandalism,
And the theft of humanity.
But always a patriot,
What other choice does he have?