8.9.2023 - Today I Art

Today I Art

Today I practiced art stuff.
I worked up a sweat painting.
Putting down a firm basecoat on frames,
Because real art needs good framing.
I can’t really make art.
My fingers are slow and useless.
My mind has a sharp eye and good taste,
That my feeble brain cannot translate,
Into instructions my hands can follow.
So I craft instead!
I make earrings and jewelry out of beads, charms, and glass.
I decorate interiors and sew in a subpar manner.
I make flowers with embedded eyes,
That can watch me fail to make other things.
Most of all I make what lasts.
My words last for moments,
Like soap bubbles or laughter.
I want to make things that stay.
For now, I make art badly,
But at least I make anything at all.