Your Arrival at Court

Welcome to The Court of Tales.

In the Wondrous place known only as The Court of Tales many secrets and dreams are often told by the fire sides on nights. You can find all sorts here, from bitter-sweet ghost stories to science fiction there's a bit of everything here. I've even thrown in a few semi-autobiographical pieces in for good measure.

I'm sure there will eventually be something here to suit any taste. If you don'e see anything here you fancy you can always try you luck with a writing prompt! I'm always fiddling with new concepts and who knows, you might just have that tidbit that nudges me off of a ledge of writers block.

Feel free to write to me, of comment below! 

Each tale and all other content is original work and is not to be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the author Victoria Hoover, who reserves all rights and ownership.