Welcome to the inaugural post for this, the actual blogish portion of the site. I'm thinking this will be a bit like the letters I write to you. Correspondence that is going out one way to you, at least for now.
I would love to tell you what you should expect going forward but alas, there is absolutely no way to prepare you. We are both treading forward blind, you and I. I could make vague promises about topics and quantity but I'd rather not start off making promises I might not be able to keep. In the South we have this saying about writing checks your butt can't cash and that it's not a good idea. (Southern economics are taught in a more informal way but are more hands-on.)
I'm sure I'll have much to say about life, the state of affairs in small Texas wooded towns, writing, poetry, philosophy, art, movies, theater, floral arranging, and who knows what else.
I had planned an entire ceremony involving a christening with champagne but I lost track of time and now there's almost no bubbly left. Far too little to smash onto anything that is...
For now I shall say Hello! And Good Night!
I'll write to you again soon!
I would love to hear for you as well though, so feel free to leave me comments! Or write to me and I'll respond!